Welcome to StatsFD
Simply put StatsFD works with you to improve performance. StatsFD is a desktop application with three missions. The first is to analyze fire department operations using every contemporary calculation. The second is to automatically monitor performance 24 / 7. It engages firefighters by providing immediate feedback about successes and misses. Finally, StatsFD automatically publishes targeted reports to command staff delivering them via iPhone, iPad, Android phone and tablets.
The Statistical Golden Hour
Get your trauma patient into advanced care within an hour and they have a much improved chance of survival. We know it. We've experienced it. But this principle applies to stats as well.
The Statistical Golden Hour represents getting response time feedback to responders. Deliver successes and misses to responders, not annually, not monthly, but rather several times during their shift and there is organizational change. Interest, natural competiveness and operational curiosity are only inspired if feedback is delivered within the golden hour. Once the shift is over, the opportunity to use stats to inspire "bottom-up" improvement is lost.
StatsFD not only measures performance, it gives you the tools to inspire better performance - at all levels. Once you select the reports you want they are generated and delivered automatically.
Nothing is faster and easier than automatic!
NFIRS 5 Alive has been replaced by StatsFD. StatsFD performs all the functions of NFIRS 5 Alive plus the additional "automatic" functions described on this site. All NFIRS 5 Alive users who are current on their support payments may receive the StatsFD application as a regular software upgrade. NFIRS 5 Alive users with expired support can upgrade by renewing their support.
Please share information about this new product. Now it's possible to analyze and publish without limitations or restrictions. Mike