
12/22/2024 StatsFD Upgrade Released

Upgrading StatsFD

Upgrades are made possible by your payment of the annual support fee. Thank you for your support.

If your support plan has lapsed you can renew it by paying the support fee. Please email if you would like an invoice to renew a support plan or have a question about your support status.

The latest StatsFD Version 13 upgrade was released 12/22/2024 This upgrade has a "12/24" version date. If you are upgrading a StatsFD version that's 8/13 or later you will not need a serial number to upgrade.

This upgrade automates ERF calculations into a single "Automatic" run. This new features will now create individual record sets for each type and level of ERF calculated by the "Automatic ERF" calculation.

StatsFDV13 Upgrade Instructions (If you are upgrading an existing StatsFDV13 installation)

  1. Quit your existing StatsFD application.
  2. Download the zipped file and extract it into a StatsFDV13.4dc file. Here's the link to the upgrade:
  3. Open your existing StatsFD folder and remove the existing StatsFDV13.4dc file from the Database sub-folder.
  4. Do not delete this file just move it our of the Database folder. Remember where you moved it.
  5. Put the upgrade StatsFDV13.4dc file in the Database folder.
  6. Restart StatsFD. If everything works OK you can delete the original StatsFDV13.4dc file you moved.
  7. If StatsFD says it cannot find the data file DO NOT CREATE A NEW ONE.. Instead, select the option to Open the data file with the title; "StatsFDV13.4DD". If requested, enter your new 7-digit serial number.